讲座:How to integrate Chinese and Western perspectives on managerial paradoxes? 发布时间:2024-05-07

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题 目:How to integrate Chinese and Western perspectives on managerial paradoxes?

嘉 宾:Josh Keller, 副教授, 新南威尔士大学

主 持:李欣欣, 副教授,  上海交通大学

时 间:2024年05月17日(周五) 14:00-15:30

地 点:上海交通大学 徐汇校区安泰楼A409室



A growing number of scholars and practitioners around the world now recognize that management is rife with paradoxes, where contradictory forces pull managers into opposing directions. The literature has become very vast, covering a range of topics from negotiations to leadership to innovation and entrepreneurship to strategic management. Unlike most areas of management research, research on managerial paradoxes borrows considerably from ancient Chinese philosophy for insights. Integrating ancient Chinese philosophy with modern Western management theory is not a simple task. Dr. Keller will discuss some of the key challenges and provide insights into how Chinese and Western scholars can work together to advance the study of managerial paradoxes in China and all around the world. 


Dr. Josh Keller is Associate Professor of Management and Governance at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. Prior to joining UNSW Sydney, Dr. Keller was Associate Professor of Management at Nanyang Technological University. Dr. Keller is a globally recognized leading scholar on managerial paradoxes. He has published in leading international journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Business Venturing, Human Relations, and Journal of Business Ethics. He is the Founder of the Paradox Research, Education and Practice Network, a Senior Editor of Journal of Management Inquiry, and an editor at Academy of Management Review. Before receiving his PhD at the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Keller spent five years living in China.
