Journal of Management Analytics Special Issue on “Game Changing Impact of Generative AI on Management Science” Call for Paper 发布时间:2023-03-20

The rapid advancements in Generative AI (GAI) such as ChatGPT have opened up new opportunities for research in management science. Generative AI will become increasingly integrated into organizational processes and decision-making, and its impact on management science will be transformative and disruptive. This call for papers seeks submissions that explore the impact, implications and potentials of generative AI on management science research. We invite all types of papers including empirical, analytical, mathematical and computational studies.

Papers are invited that address, but are not limited to, the following topics:

·  Innovative applications of GAI. How can managers leverage generating AI to improve operational efficiencies, customer service, and competitive advantage? Papers could explore how GAI (e.g., ChatGPT, BARD, JasperAI and RoBERTa) can improve decision-making within organizations.

·   New methods of GAI. Papers could explore new GAI models in a range of management science contexts, such as supply chain management and marketing.

· Transformation and disruption of Management Science. How does GAI change the nature of work and management practices? What are the implications of generating AI for organizational structure, culture, and decision-making? What new products, services processes and new business models might be enabled by GAI?

·  Ethics, fairness and bias of GAI. What ethical and social issues arise from the use of GAI in management, and how can they be addressed? GAI raises concerns around data privacy, security, and fairness. Papers can examine the potential for GAI to perpetuate biases in management science, and explore methods for mitigating these issues.

·  Human-AI Collaboration: The use of GAI can facilitate human-AI collaboration, particularly in contexts such as knowledge creation and decision-making. Papers could examine how GAI can improve knowledge-sharing, teamwork, creativity, and innovation.

·  Education and Training of GAI. The use of GAI can also improve education and training new methods introduced from reference disciplines (e.g., statistics, biology, medical science, computer science, physics, etc.) for the business analysis of big data. 

Important dates

·        Paper submission: November 30, 2023 (One year anniversary of ChatGPT release)

·        First round notification: April 1, 2024

·        Invited Paper Workshop (in Europe): June 2024

·        Acceptance notification: November 30, 2024

·        Final papers: December 31, 2024

Financial Support

Partial funding for the presenting author to attend the workshop (in Europe) will be provided for papers selected after the first round review.

Submission Format and Guideline

All submitted papers must be clearly written in English and contain only original work, which has not been published by or is currently under review for any other journal. A detailed submission guideline is available at “Instructions for Authors” at and all papers should be submitted through

Guest Editors

Guohua Wan                    Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Eric Zheng                       University of Texas at Dallas


Special Issue Editorial Board