
Liwen HOU

  • Department:Information、Technology and Innovation
  • Phone:+86 (0)21 52301196
  • Title:Professor
  • Email:lwhou@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Ph.D. Department of Management Science & Engineering, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2001,

    Professor, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
    visiting scholar: Gerogia Institute of Technology, 2005,8-2006,2

    "Outstanding Reviewer Award", Granted by "Electronic Commerce Research and Application" in 2017

    Research interested: matching service on internet, dynamic ridesharing, business value of information systems, electronic commerce.

    1.  Membership of Associate for Information System (AIS), 2014-2019,

    2. Councile of Associate of Shanghai System Simlullation

    3. “Information Technology and Management”,associate editor

    4. Reviewer: Journal of Systems, ECRA, IEEE TEM, JOCEC, WITS, ICIS

  • Current research: Business value of IT, Conversion behavior of online shopping, dynamic ridesharing

    Recent papers:

    1. Liwen Hou (2015).   A Hierarchical Bayesian Network-Based Approach to keyword Auction.  IEEE Trans. on Engineering Management, 62 (2), 217-225

    2. Liwen Hou, Ling Xue, Son Ngoc Bui & William Kettinger (2016).    System sourcing and information processing capability in supply chains: a study of small suppliers.    Information Technology and Management, 17(4), 379-391

    3. Liwen Hou, Dong Li, Dali Zhang.  (2018).   Ride-matching and routing optimisation: Models and a large neighbourhood search heuristic.     Transportation Research Part E, 118, 143-162

    4. Liwen Hou, Weijun Zheng.  (2020). A Latent Class Regression Approach to IT Maintenance Outsourcing Service Management.   IEEE Trans. on Engineering Management, 67(1), 81-91 

    5. Dali Zhang, Dong Li, Hailin Sun, Liwen Hou (2021).    A vehicle routing problem with distribution uncertainty in deadlines.   European Journal of Operational Research, , 292, 311-326.

    6. Ilya Morozov, Stephan Seiler, Xiaojing Dong, Liwen Hou (2021).  Estimation of Preference Heterogeneity in Markets with Costly Search.  Marketing Science, Vol. 40, No. 5, 871–899. 

  • Course:
    《business value of information system》、《Ecommerce》、《management quantitative analysis》、《computer network》
