讲座:Job Matching with Subsidy and Taxation 发布时间:2021-10-09

报告题目:Job Matching with Subsidy and Taxation

作者:Fuhito Kojima, Ning Sun, and Ning Neil Yu


时  间:2021年10月10日(周日)10:00-11:30

地  点:安泰经管学院A511室

主讲人:孙  宁,南京审计大学 社会与经济研究院院长

主持人:罗守贵,上海交通大学安泰经管学院经济系 系主任



Subsidy and taxation are omnipresent and kaleidoscopic in markets. In labor markets, these transfer policies may depend on the set of workers hired by an employer and corresponding salaries; in markets for indivisible goods, they may depend on the set of objects acquired and prices. Because the substitutes condition is known to be critical for market equilibrium existence and effectiveness of allocation mechanisms among other important issues, we investigate which transfer policies preserve the substitutes condition in various economically meaningful settings, establishing a series of characterization theorems. These results serve to inform policymakers, market designers, and market participants of how transfer policies may impact demand structures, market outcomes, and mechanism performance, etc. Accordingly, more suitable transfer policies can be picked, allocation mechanisms can be updated if necessary, and necessary strategy adjustments can be made. Other related findings are also presented.



