讲座:Activism from the Inside Out: Evidence from MandatoryWorkforce Policy Adoptions around the World 发布时间:2024-03-19

题    目: Activism from the Inside Out: Evidence from MandatoryWorkforce Policy Adoptions around the World

嘉    宾: 李东旭 助理教授 厦门大学

主持人: 郭俊聪 助理研究员 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院

时    间: 2024年3月27日(周三)14:00-15:30

地    点:  上海交通大学徐汇校区安泰经济与管理学院B207


We investigate how firms balance between labor costs andemployees’social preferences. Exploiting a comprehensive data of freightshipment records, we show that US. firms increase import from the suppliercountry adopting mandatory workforce policy(MWP)that increases laborwelfare more than the counterpart firm-country pairs. This effect is driven by thedemocratic state-headquartered firms, especially those with intensive humancapital and activism for employee welfare, suggesting that employees’ loyaltyto the global community of working class plays a vital role in corporate socialresponsibility. Faced with the inside activism, the marginal benefit of cateringemployees’political interests outweigh the marginal cost ofimport. Consistentwith this notion,we show that the WP-affected importers have increasedratings on employee welfare along with cost increases that are economicallnegligible. Overall, this study sheds light on the formation of the worldwidesocial preferences for labor welfare.


李东旭,男,四川泸州人。本科、硕士毕业于中国人民大学财政金融学院金融系,博士毕业于美国俄亥俄州立大学费雪商学院(FisherCollege ofBusiness)金融系,现任厦门大学经济学院金融系、厦门大学王亚南经济研究院金融学助理教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为实证公司金融、企业并购与重组、中国式现代化资本市场。曾在《管理世界》、《世界经济》《中国工业经济》、《管理科学学报》、Journal of Empirical Finance、Journal of Corporate Finance 、International Review of Economics and Finance等国内外重要期刊发表论文。国家自然科学基金青年基金项目主持人,并参与多项国家社科基金项目。中文核心期刊《中国经济问题》编委会成员,担任国际 SSCI核心期刊(JCR1区)Emerging Markets Review 副主编。教授的中英文课程有《公司金融学》(本科、硕士、博士)、《企业并购重组》、《学术论文写作》。《绿色金融》、《行为金融》、《宏观经济形势前沿》、厦门大学英文教学竞赛一等奖、最佳教案获得者。